Even more beautiful in person - the quality is on par as some of my best, handmade Italian, French and Japanese bags. The high-grade materials and craftsmanship really show - tightly-woven, deeply-colored canvas, top-grain leather straps, sturdy lining fabric you can tell will not fray, and bonus details I hadn't noticed in the photos like wide rubber pads on the bottom and brass ring carabiner for hanging on fences and my keys. The stitching, stenciling and overall workmanship are outstanding. Just traveled with it and all the thoughtfully placed pockets were perfect for my pickleball gear and to quickly access my phone, water bottle, etc. Played at 3 clubs new to me, and the BOS was a fun conversation starter - many compliments and asking where to get the bag. Also love that it's made in the USA to support local workers and manufacturing. Stylish, truly useful for pickleball/travel and an amazing value - love, love, love my bag!